Tuesday, July 13, 2010

First Annual Lobpries Reunion

The First Annual Lobpries Reunion was held at Balcar's Camphouse in July of 2003.  Jaydon was 1 and 1/2 years old.

Getting ready to leave the  house (Myatt Lane, EC).  Jaydon is wearing a shirt that Mema made for him.

We had just arrived, and the belly is already sticking out...I think that's the biggest it got!

He loved to have the hats pulled down really low to his eyes.

No hat, rubbing the belly.

Looking at cousin Avian....such cuties!

Taking a rest

Paw Paw Bo putting Jaydon in the tree for a picture.

Say "Cheese"....I think this really turned out well.

Love the dumptrucks.

Love the ice even more.  Sharing with Paw Paw Bo.

Again with the ice..I directed him to our cooler because he was letting everyone else's ice melt.

Someone has driven up and Jaydon is going to check it out..

It's Aunt Devon!

Must have changed clothes...so we had to get back in the tree?

I stopped taking pictures..If  I know me, I ran out of  battery because I don't think ahead to charge the thing.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Second Grade Certificate

Jaydon's Second Grade certificate - We were so proud of our man!  Can't believe he's going to be in third grade...so difficult to be happy and sad at the same time.  He had this posted on his blog, but then asked me to put it on this one.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Arnold and Waylon Easter 2009

This is the first time Arnold met his cousinWaylon. They really got along well! Uncle Barrett gave Arnie a chewie also, and they shared for a while. This look was the longest he's ever been - it was right before his first haircut. Miss all of that color!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Christmas at Nonna's 2006

Christmas at Nonna and Popo's...Jaydon's patiently taking the requested picture in order to open his presents...he looks so sweet!  I loved his little long-sleeve shirts...(2006, Age 4)

With Friends

Just hangin' out at Nonna's with friends: Chloe and baby Julianne.  I know Tommy and Monica were there..I think they were babysitting, but I'm not 100% sure. (2007 Age 5, I believe)

Christmas Card 2004

This is a Christmas Card that we took but never sent out.  If you truly know me, you're not surprised.  The pic is taken in Mom's backyard.  The pic is kind of squished for some reason...doesn't look like that on the file....maybe will work on fixing it later...

First Father's Day Card

Jaydon gave this card to Joel on his first Father's Day in June 2003.  We took the picture at Nanny's Birthday party which was held at Aunt Mary Ann and Uncle Ed's in Brazoria, I believe.  Jaydon was in the Toddler Class at Methodist, and his teachers made this card - it was attached to a piece of dowel rod to make a fishing pole.  So Cute!

We Can Fix You

Jaydon stayed the night at Tanner's house and Tracy shared these pics with me...the looks on their faces tells me they may have gotten into a few things.  As I type this, I think this was the night that Tanner cut his arm in the shower, so they had to be moved to the other bathroom, and then Jaydon proceded to pull the shower curtain down.  This is based on my memory of how Jaydon told the story, so that account could be totally inaccurate ;)  (2006, Age 4, I believe)

Catfish For Dinner

Jaydon is at a catfish farm in El Campo last summer in 2009 while he stayed with Grammy, Grandpa, and Uncle Will.  He had a new pole, and they ended up catching a few, and I think she bought some to cook also.  I just remember her saying that he insisted that they fry fish for dinner and he wanted to catch it. (age 7)

Ride 'em Cowboy

Joel took Jaydon to the San Antonio Livestock Show and Rodeo to see Uncle Will show his tractor in Jan or Feb of 2010.  Jaydon came home with the black cowboy hat from Joel, some boots from Grammy, and convinced Grandpa to get him a wooden rubber-band gun (I don't think he had to try too hard!) (Age 8)

First Haircut

Here is Jaydon (a year old) getting his first haircut at Mrs. Teresa's.  Dad held him the whole time, and the red lollipop came in handy toward the end, until it got hair on it.  Jaydon did really well, and always loved getting his hair cut there.  As he got older, he would insist that I sit in the waiting area (not by him since he was a big boy) and he would come get the check from me so he could pay her himself.  I have more pics somewhere from this to add later.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No new babies, just cleaning/archiving

I haven't had a new baby, in case you see these posts and wonder....It's still me, Joel, and Jaydon, with the addition of our puppy, Arnold. I'm just doing some cleaning out and decided to post some of these pics I found and scanned. More to come..will probably be out of order when I post, so I'm working on changing the times that I post so it will archive it in order when they happened. I'll do the best I can to get them in some kind of order because I found a website that will print your blog into books - you can designate to have the whole blog, or you can choose a date range. Thought this would be cool to have books printed by years.

First Fishing Attempt

Jaydon was about two, I think, in these pictures. His Uncle Kovar had taken him down to the beach at our bayhouse in Port Alto. Kovar was watching him while he "fished" with his Spongebob rod and reel with Plankton as bait. Of course, he's in his rubber boots! I think this would have been the summer of 2003.

My Great-Grandma Mema

Jaydon is with his Great-Grandma Mema. We are at Mom's house, and Jaydon is in his white Polo onesie with the dark navy stripe on the collar (a gift from Pawpaw Bo). I have to put the description in b/c I can remember most of his clothes and toys and don't want to forget them - because we definitely don't have room to keep them ;) You can tell how new he is - he still has all of his dark hair, his hands are really tiny, and I can tell he still has the little red spots on his face. His nose is so cute in his tiny profile! I think this is a good picture of him and Mema.
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